Cyber attack can not only interrupt, but also stop your business activities, business systems, production, as well as gain access to sensitive business or private information. In the worst possible scenario, the attacks simply lure out the financial assets or crypto currencies for unblocking these „locked“ systems, applications or business data.

As real-life cases in business world prove, the number of cyber attacks conducted in an ever more sophisticated manner has been rising on a daily basis. Very few companies and persons are adequately protected from the threats of digital attacks. They do not realize the economic reality and costs of such attacks that could several fold exceed the costs incurred for the actual protection, safeguarding and preserving client trust. Cyber attacks are ever more elaborate. They utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning while it is harder to detect the attacks when they are happening. Fast reaction and predictive analytics are very important for protecting of your data, your applications and your company‘s reputation.


Who we are and what we do:

  • Security IT audit
  • Identification of security incidents
  • Security consultancy for on-premises environment and implementing cloud environment rules
  • Complex security management
  • ICT infrastructure protection with rule automation for the terminal stations
  • Specialized trainings for your workers
  • Penetration testing
  • Managing customer access
  • Rapid Risk Assessment analysis of value and impact on non availability of the service
  • Solutions for analysis, monitoring and evaluation of security incidents
  • Professional consultancy while designing the optimal solutions for you